How often do I need to come in for treatment?

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How often do I need to come in for treatment?

It depends. Often, chiropractic patients only make appointments when they are in pain. This approach may be adequate for many, but it is not my recommendation. I refer to these patients as “pain based” patients. At times, pain based patients may require several treatments in relatively small windows of time to get back to their pain free state.

On the other side of the coin is the maintenance patient. These are the patients who understand that our physical body should be examined a minimum of once every 6-8 weeks. The maintenance patient usually enjoys longer stretches without activity limiting pain and will often achieve physical performance gains.

At Shoreline Chiropractic we do not believe in on-going treatment plans. We may recommend maintenance care once pain has been dealt with, but that is only a recommendation. The decision is always yours!


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