Frequently Asked Questions
No. A patient does not need a referral. Chiropractors are legislated as primary contact healthcare professionals in every province in Canada. This means that patients can consult them directly.
X-rays can play an important role in diagnosis and are taken only when a need has been determined after taking a patient’s case history and conducting a physical examination. Governments in every province have recognized the training and competence of chiropractors to take and interpret X-rays and have granted them this right.
It depends. Often, chiropractic patients only make appointments when they are in pain. This approach may be adequate for many, but it is not my recommendation. I refer to these patients as “pain based” patients. At times, pain based patients may require several treatments in relatively small windows of time to get back to their pain free state.
On the other side of the coin is the maintenance patient. These are the patients who understand that our physical body should be examined a minimum of once every 6-8 weeks. The maintenance patient usually enjoys longer stretches without activity limiting pain and will often achieve physical performance gains.
At Shoreline Chiropractic we do not believe in on-going treatment plans. We may recommend maintenance care once pain has been dealt with, but that is only a recommendation. The decision is always yours!
Nope. Cracking bones would medically be considered a fracture, and we obviously do not do that!
Cracking Bones = Fracture
The cracking or popping noise that you often hear during an adjustment is simply a result of a pressure change from the inside of that specific synovial joint. The chiropractic adjustment simply takes the joint in question to it’s physiological limit, which builds up the pressure within it. Once there we utilize a quick and non-painful thrust that quickly pushes past it, creating that pressure change or cracking/popping sound. The pressure change in the joint is similar to the pressure change when you open a pop can. The infamous sound of a pop can being opened is simply the pressure from inside the can abruptly changing.
Nope! The chiropractic adjustment is just one tool that we use at Shoreline Chiropractic. If the adjustment is not for you, we can always utilize Active Release Technique (ART), gentle joint mobilizations, instrumented assisted soft tissue mobilizations (IASTM), corrective exercise, postural education and of course some good old fashioned stretches!
Most insurance policies have some chiropractic benefits. We recommend that you check your insurance package prior to making an appointment. We are able to provide direct billing to some insurance plans through TELUS health.
Active Release Technique (ART) is the current gold standard in soft tissue care. ART is a state of the art soft tissue, movement based technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a few of the many conditions that can benefit from ART.
The initial appointment will be about 45 minutes. This time frame will allow you to fill out the appropriate paperwork and be seen for a thorough health history, physical examination, plan of management and treatment.
Subsequent appointments are between 10-15 minutes.
The best attire for a chiropractic appointment would be anything that you can comfortably move well in.
No need to be nervous. Dr.Canning has treated many nervous patients with success. His patient-centered style means that he will never do anything you are not comfortable with. He prides himself on taking the time to explain what is to be expected prior to any maneuver he will perform. If you are nervous, just ask lots of questions!
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when the median nerve, the nerve running through the carpal tunnel, or center of the wrist, is damaged. It is common amongst those who frequently work with their hands such as office workers, hairdressers, painters, musicians, and cashiers. Symptoms include pain, numbness, tingling, and swelling in the wrist and hands.
The human spine is comprised of a total of 23 sponge-like discs, which act as shock absorbers between the vertebra, or bones that make up the spine. A herniated disc occurs when this spongy material bulges or protrudes between the vertebras.
The sciatic nerve runs from the base of your spine down the length of your leg. Sciatica is a term used to describe the symptoms that occur when the sciatic nerve is irritated, pinched, or damaged. Symptoms of sciatica commonly include numbness, weakness or a tingling sensation in the calves, thighs, buttocks, and lower back.
A pinched nerve is simply another way to say a damaged nerve. A pinched nerve can occur in a person’s neck, back, and arms, as well as many other places in the body.
Arthritis is an inflammatory joint disorder and is one of the most common disabilities in the United States. Symptoms include loss of motion, fatigue, weight loss, disturbed sleep patterns, and pain and tenderness in muscles.